Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week Four Walk Through!

It was wonderful to wander through the classes this week and see the fabulous learning activities and environments in our team. Check out what we've been up to!

New Junior Playground

Our new playground is nearing completion. We are very excited about this new facility and appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into fundraising by our PTA. A special thanks to Mrs Harvey for being the driving force behind this! Our playground will be open by come down and have a swing on the monkey bars and reclaim your inner child!

School Picnic

It was fantastic to see so many families at our School Picnic on Thursday. It was a great opportunity to meet people in our learning community and enjoy another beautiful summer evening!

Meet The Team

We have a fantastic team of teachers and support staff working in our team.
Our marvellous teacher aides are; Toni, Sheryl, and Mary Jo. We couldn't survive without them.

Our awesome team of teachers are; Mrs TeWhata, Miss Hems, Miss Trask, Whaea Katipa,
and Mrs Templeton

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! We are thrilled that the school term is underway! Team Two have made a fantastic start to their learning. We have five classes in our team this year.
 They are;
Room One - Year 2/3 - Miss Hems
Room Two - Year 3/4 - Mrs Templeton
Room Three - Year 3/4 - Miss Trask
Room Four - Year 2/ 3/4 - Whaea Katipa - IMMERSION
Room Five - Year 2 /3 - Mrs Te Whata
We are looking forward to getting to know you all better! Welcome to Team Two!