Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Caption Contest

Write a caption for this picture and post your answer as a comment. Remember to include your name and room number. The best caption wins a prize.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What's on the walls?

It was great to have a walk around today and capture some of the learning displays in classrooms. Have a look and see what is on our classroom walls! Come in and have a look sometime!

Room One Readers

Room one have been learning about different ways to respond to and interpret text. Here they are with some of their keyholes and flow charts.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Karanga Mataatua

The whole school have been learning this song which is significant to our local area.
Here are room four practicing during their morning Te Reo session.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rain Stories

Room Three have been writing some descriptive pieces about the rain. What a relevant theme...we have certainly had enough of it lately! Here are Samantha and Alex's photobabbles. You may need to turn the volume up on your computer to hear them read.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Room Four - Inquiry

Room Four have been looking closely at our school values; Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, and Resourcefulness. They have spent time finding the meanings of these words and constructing posters of how they feel each value is best represented.

Monday, March 19, 2012

EBOP Swimming Sports

Today our top performers from inter-school swimming sports competed against the best from Whakatane, Kawerau, Opotiki, and Rangataiki districts. We were feeling pretty good after Apanui cleaned up at the inter-school competition and brought home the trophy for the second year in a row. Well done to all of our did us proud!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Swimming Sports

Our swimming sports were a great day out. We were so impressed with the 'give it a go' attitude of our students. Well done...there are some real stars among you! Thank you Mr Templeton for organising this day.

Fun4U day

On Wednesday, all year 1-4 children participated in a fun sports activity day at Rex Morpeth Park. Children were in teams and had the opportunity to test their skills and play fun games associated with the following sporting codes:
Cricket, netball, football, rugby, hockey, and basketball. They were coached by professionals and had a fabulous day. Thanks Exia from Sport BOP for organising this great event.